Liliana Cantillo, a Cadette of Girl Scout Troop 80350, is currently working on her Silver Award on female role models in literature. In a study looking at almost 6,000 books published between 1900 and 2000, it was found that no more than 33% of children's books published in any given year contained adult women or female animal central characters, but adult men and male animals appear in up to 100% of books. Young girls reading these books that are primarily about men have a lack of role models that they can look up to. Girls need these lead female characters showing them that they can do anything that boys can. This is why she is hosting a book drive, and requesting donations of new or gently used books for ages 3-16 with strong female characters. Books and donations will be accepted on August 6th, so please donate! For more information, she will be in the narthex to answer any questions and give book recommendations if necessary.
Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.