Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The Gospel for the fifth Sunday of Lent continues to offer lessons about God’s Mercy and Forgiveness. Last Sunday we heard the story of the Prodigal Son from the Gospel of Luke. Today we hear not a parable, but the report from John’s Gospel of an encounter among Jesus, the scribes and Pharisees, and a woman caught in adultery.
In John’s Gospel, the conflict between Jesus and the scribes and Pharisees, occurs much earlier than it does in the other Gospels. The scribes and Pharisees are planning on arresting Jesus, but first they want to set a trap for him. The scribes and Pharisees approach Jesus to test him. They bring a woman caught in the very act of adultery. They put to Jesus the question of what ought to be done in this case.
According to the Law of Moses such a woman should be stoned to death. Jesus writes on the ground with his finger, and then addresses these men, “the one who is without sin should cast the first stone.” Jesus returns to his writing and the men drift away one by one.
Left alone with the woman , Jesus asks where her accusers have gone. With no one left to condemn the woman, Jesus, (the one who truly is without sin) sends the woman on her way, refusing to pass judgment on her and exhorting her to avoid this sin.
Jesus’ response to those who accuse the woman is more than a caution to us about judging others. It is a profound lesson in Divine mercy and forgiveness. As sinners, we are all unworthy to judge the sins of others and we would stand convicted by God for our transgressions. Yet Jesus, the one without sin and thus our judge, offers us who are sinners His Mercy and Forgiveness. Redeemed by Jesus’ compassion, we are sent forth to sin no more and to live in God’s love and peace.
This Monday, April 8th, Confessions will be heard after the 7pm Mass and Novena.
In Christ,
Fr. Thomas