The Office of Religious Education exists to promote a loving and personal relationship with God. It functions to allow the children of the parish to discover, grow and mature in knowledge of their faith. It encourages children to deepen their relationship with Christ and His Church through acts of worship and service.
The curriculum for Religious Education is established by diocesan policy which includes both faith formation through classroom instruction and family faith formation through attendance at weekly mass. Children will learn formal prayers, family life concepts and prepare to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation. |
The office is located on the second floor of the Parish Center. Religious Education Classes for grades 1-8 are held in Saint Bartholomew School.
Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday: 9:00am-3:00pm
Friday-Sunday: Closed
For an appointment, please call 732-390-0354
For questions concerning Classes, Sacramental Preparation, Catechists, Special Needs programs, progress reports, absences, volunteer opportunities call, Linda or Barbara at 732 390-0354
For questions about registering in the parish, becoming Catholic, parish activities, infant Baptism, Adult Confirmation, Marriage preparation, Anointing of the Sick, Mass Card Intentions, and general questions call, 732 257-7722
Tuesday Sessions
• Session 1 - 4:30-5:45pm
• Session 2 - 6:30-7:45pm
Tuesday Schedule
Thursday Session
• Session 3 - 4:30-5:45pm
Thursday Schedule
Please consider helping as a catechist, classroom aide, hall monitor, or parking lot safety volunteer. We have many opportunities for you.
Please contact the Office of Religious Education 732-390-0354.